About our past involvement in DANCE! The pictures below show the "Service" ACAD provided!
"Mr. C" wants to make this YOUR Site as well as the Academy's. The pictures below will remind you of WHO- WHAT- WHERE- WHY- AND WHEN------SHOWCASING your talents.
Our Production "Vibes"....remember the Bolts of Coloured Fabric drawn across the stage as the colours appeared in costume....the WAVE effect was super!
From the Production "Colour Purple"..Chandra McRae ...Kyla Widle...Laural Burnett.
Vienna Ball at the Westin Inn in Calgary , Alberta. Girls from Junior and Senior Company ready to perform.--A Lynette Fry Abra Number.
Ballet Perfromance in romantic length Tutus....taken in the Rehearsal room of the Jubilee Auditorium. male Danseurs are Russell Doig left and Aerial Right...Blue Danseur shirts.
1979 Tap Line for the Festivals....Lynn Simpson...Sherri Hryciw Oberholtzer...Pam Evans?_____...Denise Johnson...Gail Ough...Dianne Johnson...Dawn Ewonus...Jane Ravvin...___...Cheryl Fairburn.
Munchikins from the land of Oz...J.P. Ewonus Mayor to the left and Paul Coldrick right...Lisa Allison Kingston green far right...Stephanie Hopper in the bright pink hat...Lorena Apuzzo in the turquoise hat...Cheryl Knudson Jessamine To the picture right of Lorena back row with the moustache...Michele Palmer in yellow with the blue hat.....I need help with the rest....Late 1970's...Roberta Cooper the gent behind to the right? Alana Hildt Dorothy..Kim Hall the "Good Witch"..
Tap Line 1970s...Sean Cheesman centre..Trish Westin DeCoverley to his picture right ...Tanya Twerdon...Dawn Ewonus to his picture left.. Back Row..Jane Ravvin...Pam Evans...Gail Ough
Ballet Class above..left to right back row- Audra Cox, Lisa Horvath Svecla, Robbie Lee Hilts, Nadene Henderson, Kelly MacMillan, Sherri Carr, Barb Breitenburgher, Catherine Hope, Lisa Allison Kingston, Karen Brookes, front Left to right, Stephanie Thomas, Lynette Seagull, Lorena Apuzzo Dohan, Deanna Still, Kristine Richmond, Stacey Roderick, Kim Hall, Christine Sunderland.
Canadian Dance Ring competition (CDR) above Bk Row, left to right.-Janet Currie, Sherry Shamon, Debbie Black, David Adie, Shanda Comben Aalbers, Carol Nielsen, Kim Paquette, middle row....not sure-Shelley Gillett, Shirley Nielsen Wayte (dotted costume) Kari Ikeda, Splits Donna Fish and Jaye Dee Bradshaw.
1972 CDR Competition Winners. Karen Zimmerman Evans, Debbie Black, Calla Comben Shaw, Sherry Shamon, Shanda Comben Aalbers, Carol McKercher, Dianne Ranshaw, name doesn't click in, Jill Currie, Donna Fish, Rob Westin, Trish Westin DeCoverley, Janet Currie, Kim Paquette
ACAD Interschool Competition 1st place trophy winners February 1980
1976 ACAD Interschool above....I see a lot of dancers...and four guys...Brian Craik centre back-Mardyne Davey Centre second row...Rob Westin Centre front and JP Ewonus just to the right of centre...I can name a lot of the girls as well!
Interschool Competition Winners. (1976-80)above---Lots of names from the past...Back Row..Shirley Doncaster--Lucy Nardei--Leslie Ewonus--Carol Nielsen.....just scanning I see Rachel Hershfield, Karen Zimmerman, Esther Odagaki,Vicki Bradshaw, Tracy Ough, Brenda Davidson, Sean Cheeseman, JP Ewonus, Shelley Gillett, Debbie Coldrick, Patti Westin, Joy Westin, Jane Ravvin,Adele Odagaki, Kari Ikeda,Pam Brown,Jaye Dee Bradshaw, Donna Fish,Diane Johnson,Lisa Karapinka,Sheri Johnson,---Who do you remember?
This is an interesting Interschool picture above..... It's almost like the two above...I see Paul Coldrick in the middle of the 3rd row. The back row has Brian Criak, Karen Zimmeman, Esther Odagaki plus some new ones to the left of Brian, Catherine Maunder, Sherri Hryciw Oberholtzer, Adele Odagaki Rachel Hershfield... --Paul says it's 1977-78 and judging by the hair styles of Brian, Sean, Paul and Jon Paul it's the 70's!--I see lots of faces that I could name. The younger ones in the front rows, I didn't teach but certainly was aware of their talent.
Audra Cox sent the above photos from the 1980 Interschool Competition--Interesting photos!
1981 Interschool Competition first place Trophy winners. The above is taken at the Crowchild Location.
Wow ...lots of trophies in this picture above...If anyone knows what year it is ...please let me know!! --
Trudy Barlage Lewis says about 1982...she's in the back row, 3rd in left side.
Pictured above are the ACAD 1989 Interschool Competition Winners
Pictured above are the ACAD 1990 Interschool Competition Winners.
Picture Above are the ACAD 1991 Interschool Competition Winners
Pictured above are the ACAD Competition winners 1993..lots of different faces in this one..
Pictured above ..ACAD first place Interschool Competition Winners from 1994
Pictured above are the dancers from the "Calgary Dance Workshop"--Mr. C. and Carol Nielsen taught ..Mr. C.s Group above and Miss Nielsen's group is on the "Contact Us" page, The group performed at Lord Beaverbrook Theatre. (usually once a year)--Carole Coldrick Savage worked to organize and make the CDW available for Dance Enthusiasts.
First Place Character line for the ADEA Edmonton and the Wild Rose Festivals
Vienna Ball--Mr. C. and Mrs Abra in the photo.
Pancake TUTU...each one is a superb and splendid creation! I see Lisa Richardson-Nathalie Burns-Valerie Kynaston-Jordanna Fraser-Eunice Kwong-Kayt Lucas...if you can name the others or if I'm wrong..let me know!
Jazz Line BOOTS....1st place Gold Medal in 1989 at the ADEA Festival in Edmonton.
First Place Character line,"Sesame Street" ....even OSCAR in the Garbage Can!!..thank you Moms for the sewing! (Mrs. Mal Smandych organized the costumes...quite an event).
Tiny Tots--June1997
Tiny Tots- June1997
The Garden...Scarecrows...Black Birds...and Gardeners June 1996
Sesame Street...on the counting the coats were swung open with the Numbers in sequins
Mary had a little -June 1997
Pictured above are students of the Academy at the Alberta Tap Dance Association Competition in 1972. (ATDA)...the first Edmonton Festival as we know it today, was sponsored by the Alberta Professional Dance Teachers Association.(APDTA)..they chose not to sponsor it after the first one for many reasons, and the ATDA then became the Alberta Dance Educators Association (ADEA) and took on the enormous task started by the APDTA. Mr. C. was a member of all three of these Associations. You'll see lots of people you know in the picture above !
Gypsy Ballet...Carol Nielsen's Choreography..Tavia Nazarko ..Gypsy left front...Trudy Sorensen centre fortune teller..Carol Kolodinsky corner right.
The article above is by the Calgary Herald Fashion Editor Benice Huxtable...she opens with "I've Always Had a Yen to Tap Dance or do the Splits.--Calgary Rocketter is Lisa Martin Fried....
Sloop John B.--First Place Song and Dance Line-featuring Karen Moffet, Dawn Marie Fox, Carol Kolodinsky, Patti Westin, Lianne Smith, Kari Ikeda, Shelley Gillett, Laura Lee Cooper, Sean Cheesman, Sandra Newstater.
Mary Poppins...Supercalafragilistic...South School for the recital in 1974...The male is Jake Ewonus ...Tara Young bk left
The Rivers Too Wide....Tap Class from the South School...1st place gold...Lynn Simpson in the back.--Sherri Hryciw Oberholtzer--Diane and Denise Johnson--Gail Ough--Dawn Ewonus--Jane Ravin and Cheryl Fairburn
Green Berets Recital Dance...1969...Leslae EwonusDalpiaz in group...In the early days when I taught at Westgate Community Hall. Back Row...4th from the right is Donna Nielsen (Shirley Nielsen Wayte and Carol Nielsen's Sister)
Mary Poppins...1978 a line for the May festival in Edmonton..Taken at the University Theatre...Dawn Ewonus in grey suit sitting and jane Ravin to picture right of and whtie dress and ribbons.. Gail Ough the nanny....We have chimney sweeps...Birds..."Feed the Birds"..
The Clipping above is from the Calgary Herald in 1968. Showcase 68 was a fundraiser put on by the APDTA ...several studios brought their students together and put on the show. the outlined pupils from ACAD are Gay MacRae in the cape...and a Modern Millie gal...Debbie Black and Shanda Comben Aalbers were also in the "Millie" number with ice cream parlour iron chairs that Mr. C. had.
Allan Cozzubbo and model Barbara Watts...bring the Bossa Nova to Calgary...Mid 1960s (Remember the music "Blame it on the Bosa Nova" ...a hit tune by Edie Gourmet)!